CGIAR Network & FAO Partnership: Enhancing Data and Information Sharing for Sustainable Agriculture.

12 de Junio, 9.00AM-11.00 AM (Hora de Cuba)

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The presentation will showcase some of the practices of CGIAR – the world’s largest global agricultural innovation network with 15 centers worldwide – in data, information, and knowledge management. It will highlight key initiatives such as Open Access and Open Data policy, Quality of Science evaluation, Communities of Practice, and Institutional Repositories.
The collaboration between CGIAR and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) supporting information exchange about food and agriculture will also be covered, with a focus on the AGRIS programme and the AGROVOC thesaurus. The presentation aims to showcase CGIAR’s work in management and knowledge sharing and highlight the crucial role of the collaboration with FAO in enhancing data interoperability in agriculture for a food-secure future.
If participants want to dive deeper into AGROVOC and learn about SKOS and VocBench, we encourage to follow the training delivered by Andrea Turbati ‘Introducing SKOS and VocBench through the AGROVOC use case, a multilingual thesaurus dedicated to food and agriculture’.

Valentina De Col – Agricultural Information System Officer (The International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA))

Additional resources. Multimedia

Additional resources. Documents