Introduction to RERO as an ILMS

12 de Junio, 9.00AM-11.00 AM (Hora de Cuba)

13 de Junio, 11.00AM-1.00 PM (Hora de Cuba)

Access course

RERO ILS is an open source library management system developed by RERO+ in collaboration with the Catholic University of Louvain (UCLouvain) in Belgium. It allows the management of library networks or independent libraries. It can be hosted by the RERO+ foundation as a software as a service (SaaS) or installed & managed locally (like at UCLouvain) RERO-ILS supports a consortial model that allows to manage several institutions in the same instance.
Each institution has its own libraries, locations, users, loans rules, patron types and item types. Staff users can use a cataloging module, a circulation module and serial management module and an acquisition module. This training will propose an introduction to all modules, and also parameters, with some exercices.
Attendees : all people (library manager, librarian, technical staff, ….)

Benoit Erken – Member of the Library IT team at UCLouvain (UCLouvain – Belgium)
Mana Deweerdt (UCLouvain – Belgium)